
Showing posts from September, 2021

Getting Involved by Peter Gilheany

  Getting involved At a #yesallmen gathering earlier in the summer, I ran a session asking all those who attended to consider answers and responses to two fundamental but difficult questions – what things can we, as men who want to do something to tackle and reduce male violence, actually do, both individually and collectively, and what is stopping us from doing those things? In a short space of time we covered a lot of ground but I’ve done my best to capture some of the most important points and thoughts that came up.  First of all, and this was true before the session and since, we can do something very straightforward and powerful by supporting organisations whose focus is on reducing male violence or supporting people who are victims of it. There are too many organisations who need support to list here but well known examples are Women’s Aid, Refuge and White Ribbon. We started with idea of looking separately at how to raise awareness of the issue and how to tackle or conf...